The transfer balance cap – how does it work again?

In the 2016 Federal Budget, the Government introduced the transfer balance cap as part of a broader superannuation reform package. The transfer balance cap imposes a lifetime limit on the amount of superannuation that can be transferred into a tax free retirement pension account. While it may appear straightforward, understanding its nuances is essential for … Read more

Mortgage vs super: where should I put my extra money?

It’s a dilemma many of us face – are we better off directing extra money to our mortgage or super? As with most financial decisions, it’s not a one size fits all approach and here are some factors to consider in deciding what’s right for you. Key takeaways: There may be tax advantages when you … Read more

Falling inflation – what does it mean for investors?

Key points Inflation is in retreat thanks to improved supply and cooling demand. A further fall is likely this year. Australian inflation remains relatively high – but this mainly reflects lags rather than a more inflation prone economy. Profit gouging or wages were not the cause of high inflation. The main risks relate to the … Read more

Economic and market overview

A rally in the second half of the month helped global share markets generate solid gains in January, extending the rally from November and December. The latest indicators suggest economic conditions are holding up quite well in most regions, which augurs well for corporate earnings. With inflation still above central bank targets, investors pared back … Read more

Australian household wealth

Australian household wealth Is high Australian household wealth a source of support for consumers? Key points Australia ranked as having one of the lowest rates of disposable income growth per capita amongst OECD countries in mid 2023. An increasing income tax burden and mortgage repayments have weighed on income growth, despite solid wages and salaries. … Read more

As scams evolve, so can you

As scams continue to evolve, it’s important to stay on top of the latest information. Here are some tips for staying protected against some of the most common scams impacting Australians today and red flags to watch out for. What can you do to stay protected? Anyone can fall victim to a scam. As well … Read more

5 tips for managing your SMSF

Setting up your SMSF is just the beginning. Make sure you’re aware of your obligations as an SMSF trustee and get the most out of your fund with this quick guide. While the list of SMSF administrative tasks and responsibilities may seem daunting, it’s there for a good reason: to ensure your fund’s decisions protect … Read more

Understanding market volatility

Many investors become concerned when volatility occurs in global financial markets – particularly about the impact on their superannuation and other investments. In times like these, it’s important to understand the causes of market movements and how to minimise your risk. Why do markets move so much? Markets are influenced by many things – industrial, … Read more

Three reasons to err on the side of optimism as an investor

Introduction The “news” as presented to us has always had a negative bend, but one could be forgiven for thinking that it’s become even more negative with constant stories of disasters, conflict, wrongdoing, grievance and loss. Consistent with this it seems that the worry list for investors is more threatening and confusing. This was an … Read more

The importance of rebalancing

Investing is more than choosing different assets. It also involves managing your portfolio on an ongoing basis to achieve personal goals. Your starting point In the initial stages of constructing a portfolio of diverse investments, it is likely you will have made a deliberate decision about how much money to hold in different asset classes. … Read more